
She has exhibited in collective and individual way in diverse cultural venue and universities in Mexico City, Oaxaca, San Miguel de Allende, Queretaro City, Chihuahua, Sinaloa, Monterrey, and Guanajuato, to mention just a few. She has exhibited abroad in Varsovian, New York, Paris, Barcelona, Sevilla, Valencia, Tunisia, India, Bangladesh, Argentina, Chile, Sweden, Italy, among others. Has more than 50 collective exhibitions and 9 individuals. Was selected on the International Competition of Modern Art of the Modern Art Community of New York and Athens 2011. Belongs to the MUMA (Mexican Museum of Women)


Has collaborated on the Mira Lee 2012 Project of the National Museum of Art MUNAL Mexico and in the project “Entrecruces” 2015 and “Brigada MUAL” 2018 of said museum. She is attached to the projects JANO Barcelona Association 2012-2017 and Mexico Young Cultural Association Polaco – Mexicana Bocian & Nopal 2009-2014.