
Belongs to the MUMA (Mexican Museum of Women)
Has collaborated in the Mira Lee Project 2012 in the National Art Museum (MUNAL), Mexico and in the project “Entrecruces” 2015 and “Brigada Munal” 2018 of said museum and has imparted diverse workshops of antique techniques in this cultural venue.
Founder of Impronta project beside the actor and singer Rodrigo Vera (multidisciplinary artistic show).
Since 2014 impart painting classes in the bachelor’s degree of Visual arts and diplomats in Anahuac University North campus, being teacher and founder of the visual arts bachelor’s degree in the arts School of said university.
Has taught various workshops and conferences in the “Museo Nacional de Arte CDMX” and in “Cielo Donís Taller”
Besides the activities as a visual artist and teaching she has been developed as a writer about art and humanities, collaborating with various magazines in Mexico and abroad, for example:
Revista Brujas in Mexico.
Revista Observatorio Kreativo (O-KRE) No.1. Revista Anual de Humanidades DL: 18037-2017 y 2019 “El mundo y el arte hoy ¿proyecciones del pasado? ISSN: 2530-9285. Madrid, España.

At last, will mention her great work and continuous altruistic work, both in Mexico and abroad.